pp108 : Introducing Collaborative Workspace

Introducing Collaborative Workspace

This topic describes the Collaborative workspace of Process Platform.

The Collaborative Workspace (CWS) in Process Platform is exclusively designed to provide organizations with greater flexibility in developing applications. As the name indicates, CWS provides an integrated view of Process Platform, which helps application developers in easy content creation and structuring. CWS extends a unified platform for all the development activity, starting from setting up of a Workspace till the creation of an application package. It helps in the management of the application development cycle from its inception till delivery. Application content is shared and maintained with the help of a structured and process-based mechanism.

CWS consists of the Workspace Organizer, Workspace Documents, and various document editors. Using CWS, you can view the contents of a workspace, and simultaneously work with various editors. CWS supports sharing of content among several developers, teams, and organizations. It also enables easy association of a Workspace with a Source Control Management (SCM) system. Above all, its consistent interface provides a uniform look and feel to all the entire Process Platform. Some of the salient features of CWS are:

  • Team development through shared workspaces
  • Single-click validation and deployment of content to run time
  • Automatic dependency checking among documents
  • Simpler sharing of design-time development content
  • Version control
  • Single-click delivery

Application development in CWS follows a simple sequence, which is easy to work with. There are different stages in the application development process. Each stage has its set of prerequisites and post-requisites. All stages together form the development cycle. Listed below are the prominent stages in the application development process:

  1. Create a Workspace
  2. Create a Solution and a Project
  3. Create Documents (develop application content)
  4. Establish Dependencies between Documents
  5. Validate the Project
  6. Publish the Project
  7. Deploy the Application, update it if required and Publish it

The following graphic illustrates the development cycle:

CWS is represented through Workspace Documents. To access Workspace Documents, on CUSP (http://<machine name:port number>/cordys), open My Applications > (Workspace Documents).

Note: For each fresh session of Process Platform, you will be prompted to select or create a workspace on the Organize Workspaces window before you proceed with any other activity. This is an intermediate step. To bypass this step, select the Don't ask me again option on the Organize Workspaces window.



Related information

Collaborative Workspace - Team Development Setups
Working with Workspace Documents